Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My theory of ONE

Understanding the intricacies of the unified body is a feat that can solve alot of problems for us as individuals.

The theory of one is interesting enough in itself. Maybe just as a deep topic for social conversation; but interesting none-the-less. As we glance around our environment, we are cluttered by all the faces , places and circumstances of our daily hectic lives. We are infuriated and constantly irritated with the society that surrounds us. People push and shove as they make thier way desperately to jobs they probably hate, each and every morning. Traffic seems hopelessly endless, with its chaotic scramble in the 'me first' routine. We seem to use each other as stepping stones to get aheadof the rat race and to the destination that always eludes us. Basically, we strive to put 'number one' ;which is ourselves, in top priority. What we fail to realize, is that 'number one' is the whole of all existence. Why do we fight ourselves?

When we look into the mirror, we notice that our hair is one color or another, our noses are small or large; and so forth. Looking at others we obviously see the differences between ourselves and them-right? Wrong-what we perceive is simply different patterns in our being. We criticize the larger individuals with comments about their laziness or failure of disipline, when we actually are seeing a side of ourselves which we do not understand or accept. Inside our warped brains, obesity is considered wrong...flawed. Much like the beauty we desire in others, we misjudge the variations and create statements that are ignorant. They are only self-criticism. Like it or not-we arethem and they are us. It is true!

Take various languages for instance. Why do you think; despite the language barrier, we basically understand each other? Yes, we have similar qualities and routines, although we differ vastly from continent to continent. Traditions, styles and foods are just small examples of our differing qualities. Aside from these and many others, we all have the basic desires-to happy, to be fruitful and to live a long life. These three similarities are enough to make us think that maybe we are only one living breathing entity divided into parts. Is this still hard to fathom?

Think about it this way-where does love come from-what about sympahty? Is it possible that whenever we love, we project a feeling for ourselves? This brings to light the 'selfless deed'. There are very few truly considerate acts that we could perform without reflecting back onto ourselves, or being rewarded for it. Maybe sympathy for others and mercy is the act of storing up returns for when we need to be forgiven. Many individuals keep concious records fo the good done toward others in the hope of the 'returned favor'. Do you think that we are beginning to recognize the fact that we are just taking care of number one. Fascinating and provoking is an understatement when it comes to this theory of loving thyself.

If we honestly can perceive others as us, then their flesh becomes ours. When their hopes, dreams, hurts and anger becomes a concern of our own, we will hesitate when causing conflict with our fellow man. Hence, the answer to alot of questions that have arisen over peace, hunger, hatred ad predjudice-Just to name a few. We are one being, one light and one existence. A unified body with many diverse moveable parts to something simply unfathomable makes you think huh?

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