Sunday, February 17, 2013

A dream I once had...part 7

I vaguely remember what happened after Casper struck me, it was dreamlike and I loved,that cannot be right. I  remember Martisa  leaving with the little girl and Casper’s hand flying across my face. I wish I could understand how I let it get out of control. I was confused..sitting upon the floor with the thought that Casper had her, had his filthy claws on my little girl...I hated him/loved him...I felt sick.
I stood in darkness, only illuminated by the moon’s rays falling through the circular window in the ceiling. I stared at the beams which fell across my arm and fell broken onto the floor. I looked down. My shoes were gone and my feet were covered in something black. I grimaced and balled my toes under in a feeble attempt to wipe the black stuff from my feet. My hands were clean except for the single red streak on the underside of my forearm. I recognized it as blood. My mouth ached. All of a sudden, my mouth hurt like hell, bringing me from my silly reverie.
I was captive. I knew this by my surroundings and I recognized the place. A sudden wrenching seized my guts and I sit down hard upon the cold stone floor. I realized where he held me and it brought back sudden floods of memories. My sweet sweet babies, I killed them here. Gasping for breath I rolled over pushing my face against the wall. I sobbed hard and suddenly as feelings of anger, hunger and pain mixed and pulled me down into the darkness of my past.
“I hate you, Casper.” I screamed as loud as I could hearing only my echo. I imagined the tears running fast across my dirty cheeks. I lifted my hand an felt nothing, nothing except my gashed lip. The pain gave me rest from the pain inside. Reaching up and touching my lip coated my fingers with fresh blood. The scream had re-opened the gash and somehow I was grateful for the reality of my physical pain.
“I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!!! You filthy bastard!” I moaned and pushed myself completely onto the stone floor. Onto my side, I curled into fetal postition and gave in to my sobs. My little fangs pushed back through my gums and ground into my lower lip. I felt it not and I pushed them deeper in. Twin streams of rich dark vampiric blood flowed down my chin onto the floor. The drops were loud. A drum beat in the distance slowly bekoning, pulling and hypnotising. I opened my eyes and watched the crimson drops fall into the dust.

The drum beat….Tum…Tum…Tum

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