Monday, October 28, 2013

The Nature of the Beas 4t (The quiet, not so quiet visitor)

When better times come, I make Alconitum for suppression of the transformation. For many moons to come, I will suffer through the pains of not being able to change. My whole body will scream in agony for the duration of the moon, but I will remain whole.

I started to travel closer to the village out of curiosity but then a couple of the girls scared me away with their loud chuckling and cavorting around. I scurried back into the forest that time, just like a frightened mouse. I decided that was enough for me.

I started on my upswing and the triad returned to me. My joyous heart almost burst when welcoming my invisible sisters. I am sure it would have been a funny sight to see me talking round the fire to phantoms. All was peaceful and quiet but for my silly bantering back and forth and the night sounds of the animals. It was all quiet except for that sudden sound one night that brought me out of my reverie with the triad and standing at attention, I proved the night.

“who is there?” I shouted into the darkness and reached down into my newly fashioned sash. I pulled out my antler blade and held it at ready.

The sound came again and then disappeared in the distance. After a few more enlightening lessons from the sisters, I had forgotten about my mysterious visitor. I fell asleep by the fire.

I cannot say that this was the last and only episode. On many occasions while bathing in the lake, I heard a scratching sound that was much too large for small animals. I felt vulnerable at the time and so from that day forward, I held my antler blade while bathing. It was awkward but I was taking no chances while under the effects of the Alconitum. While on the concoction, I was little more than a strong village girl. I was helpless. While walking from the lake, I wove a shield of white energy to surround and protect me for good measure. I stepped from the lake bed just as the shuffling noises faded once more. I knew then that I had an audience. I would have to bring this to an end soon for my safety.

And so I consulted the sisters, of my strand, about the mysterious visitor.

The visitor kept coming and I started to realize that he was harmless. He never made himself known and he never talked. I knew it was a man because I could smell him. I started to get hints of his familiarity by the strength of his bloodline. After a few more strange visits, I realized who he was.

It was Lawrence.

When the realization hit me, I decided to follow him. As he started to make his retreat, I wound back to intersect him. I could sense his surprise but he said nothing. I was almost upon him when I heard several voices calling in the distance. Two women and a child had followed him into the forest and the older woman seemed to be very angry. I pulled back and sprinted off toward my home. As I was running I realized who the woman was. She was the one who insisted on reminding me about how incompetent I was, on the day that I abandoned the village. I stopped abruptly and took inventory of all my emotions.

At my side stood Ona. She leaned in and whispered softly into my ear.

“Call him to you…..use the love spell, the secret one.”

I glanced at her and realized that she had angered me. I shook my head and pursed my lips.

“NO! not on this one…..I would never!”

One spoke again and her eyes grew dark. “But why, you love him.”

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