Sunday, February 17, 2013

A dream I once had...part 9

Casper would change his location as soon as he realised we were almost there. This seemed like an impossible task. Joseph, squeezed my hand and pulled me onward. I did not understand why he kept trying despite my whining, but he persisted.
Everytime he looked at me, I felt some strange hold on me. It was different from Casper. It wasn't control, it was something else. I felt silly and trudged on cursing over every knot and twig that caused me to stumble. "Joseph, how are we going to outsmart him?" I looked up at Joseph with a worried brow.
"Will you just trust me. I told you to mask your thoughts and he wouldn't be able to find our location. Aren't you doing that?"
Joseph looked frustrated by my lack of control. He had no idea the reason I couldn't mask my thoughts was because my thoughts were filled with him. I had become enamored by his presence. I could read him as he could me, but not all of him. He was, indeed, very good at masking his thoughts. At times I caught glimpses of myself in his thoughts and then cleverly,something else would  cover the thought. Then, he would smile and tug my hand. That is when he would tell me to try harder.
"I'm trying, I just cant control it. My mind keeps wandering to silly things." I quickly tried to mask a stray thought but obviously Joseph had read it already. He smiled and kissed my hand. "It's okay...just try now, we are getting close again."
I exhaled and tried to push throughts of his handsome face to the back of my mind. This was ridiculous, I had just met him. I usually was able to resist human emotion much better than this.
Joseph stopped in his tracks and turned to face me. "You have to stop. If you want to find her, you have to clear your mind." Joseph looked at me and tried to suppress the smile. I laughed without thinking and cleared my throat.
"Do you think it might work if I imagined you to be Casper. Then as soon as the thought passed through my mind, I would immediately get rid of it." I felt guilty just a  tad. Do not know why actually but I figured this crazy idea might just work.
"You are really making this much more confusing than it should be." Joseph frowned at me and squeezed my hand. "Can you do it? If you can't then we are wasting our time."
I nodded solemnly and bit my lower lip. "I will try really hard. I want to save her, Joseph." I felt his irritation and hated myself for being so immature.
Joseph started ahead again as he pulled me forward. Then in a moment of quick decision, Joseph stopped and changed his direction slightly. "He has moved again, he is headed back North." Joseph turned and looked down at me. His blue eyes were darker, more serious as he stared. "Can you clear your mind, Betty?"
I stared into his eyes and thought of him only as a blood sucker. He was just a man, nothing more. He had come to help me and that is all. I exhaled and furrowed my brow.
"I can do it Joseph. I am ready."

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